Xiaoyuan Wu, Lydia Hu, Eric Zeng, Hana Habib, Lujo Bauer. "Transparency or Information Overload? Evaluating Users’ Comprehension and Perceptions of the iOS App Privacy Report." In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium. 2025.
Hana Habib, Sara Elsharawy, and Rifat Rahman. "'I don't trust them': Exploring Perceptions of
Fact-checking Entities for Flagging Online Misinformation." Technical Report, The Collaboratory Against Hate. 2024.
Elijah Robert Bouma-Sims, Megan Li, Yanzi Lin, Adia Sakura-Lemessy, Alexandra Nisenoff, Ellie Young, Eleanor Birrell, Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Hana Habib."A US-UK Usability Evaluation of Consent Management Platform Cookie Consent Interface Design on Desktop and Mobile." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2023.
Jane Im, Ruiyi Wang, Weikun Lyu, Nick Cook, Hana Habib, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Nikola Banovic, and Florian Schaub."Less is Not More: Improving Findability and Actionability of Privacy Controls for Online Behavioral Advertising." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2023.
Verena Distler, Matthias Fassl, Hana Habib, Katharina Krombholz, Gabriele Lenzini, Carine Lallemand, Vincent Koenig, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. "Empirical Research Methods in Usable Privacy and Security." Human Factors in Privacy Research, 29-53, 2023.
Lorrie Faith Cranor and Hana Habib. "Metrics for Success: Why and How to Evaluate Privacy Choice Usability." Communications of the ACM, 66(3), 35-37, 2023.
Michael Miller Yoder and Hana Habib. "Research Needs for Countering Extremist Hate." Technical Report, The Collaboratory Against Hate. 2022.
Hana Habib and Lorrie Faith Cranor. "Evaluating the Usability of Privacy Choice Mechanisms." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2022.
Hana Habib, Sarah Pearman, Ellie Young, Lorrie Faith Cranor. "Identifying User Needs for Advertising Controls on Facebook." In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW). 2022.
Hana Habib, Megan Li, Ellie Young, Lorrie Faith Cranor. "'Okay, whatever': An Evaluation of Cookie Consent Interfaces." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2022.
Verena Distler, Matthias Fassl, Hana Habib, Katharina Krombholz, Gabriele Lenzini, Carine Lallemand, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Vincent Koenig. “A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research.” ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 28, no. 6. 2021.
Hana Habib. “Evaluating the Usability of Privacy Choice Mechanisms.” PhD dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021.
Hana Habib, Yixin Zou, Yaxing Yao, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Joel Reidenberg, Norman Sadeh, and Florian Schaub. “Toggles, Dollar Signs, and Triangles: How to (In)Effectively Convey Privacy Choices with Icons and Link Texts.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2021.
Hana Habib, Sarah Pearman, Jiamin Wang, Yixin Zou, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh, and Florian Schaub. “'It’s a scavenger hunt': Usability of Websites’ Opt-Out and Data Deletion Choices.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2020.
Vinayshekhar Bannihatti Kumar, Roger Iyengar, Namita Nisal, Yuanyuan Feng, Hana Habib, Peter Story, Sushain Cherivirala, Margaret Hagan, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Shomir Wilson, Florian Schaub, Norman Sadeh. “Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text.” In Proceedings of the Web Conference (the Web Conf). 2020.
Hana Habib, Yixin Zou, Aditi Jannu, Neha Sridhar, Chelse Swoopes, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh, and Floriah Schaub. "An Empirical Analysis of Data Deletion and Opt-Out Choices on 150 Websites." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2019.
Hana Habib, Neil Shah, and Rajan Vaish. "Impact of Contextual Factors on Snapchat Public Sharing." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2019.
- Best Paper Honorable Mention award
Hana Habib, Jessica Colnago, Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Sarah Pearman, Jeremy Thomas, Alessandro Acquisti, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor "Away From Prying Eyes: Analyzing Usage and Understanding of Private Browsing." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2018.
Hana Habib, Pardis Emami Naeini, Summer Devlin, Maggie Oates, Chelse Swoopes, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. "User Behaviors and Attitudes Under Password Expiration Policies." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2018.
Sarah Pearman, Jeremy Thomas, Pardis Emami Naeini, Hana Habib, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Serge Egelman, and Alain Forget. "Let’s Go in For a Closer Look: Observing Passwords in Their Natural Habitat." In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). 2017.
Pardis Emami Naeini, Sruti Bhagavatula, Hana Habib, Martin Degeling, Lujo Bauer, Lorrie Cranor, Norman Sadeh. "Privacy Expectations and Preferences in an IoT World.” In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2017.
Blase Ur, Felicia Alfieri, Maung Aung, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, Jessica Colnago, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Henry Dixon, Pardis Emami Naeini, Hana Habib, Noah Johnson, and William Melicher. "Design and Evaluation of a Data-Driven Password Meter." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2017.
Hana Habib, Jessica Colnago, William Melicher, Blase Ur, Sean Segreti, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. "Password Creation in the Presence of Blacklists." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Usable Security (USEC). 2017.
Joshua Gluck, Florian Schaub, Amy Friedman, Hana Habib, Norman Sadeh, Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Yuvraj Agarwal. "How Short Is Too Short? Implications of Length and Framing on the Effectiveness of Privacy Notices." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2016.
Manya Sleeper, William Melicher, Hana Habib, Lujo Bauer, Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Michelle L. Mazurek. "Sharing personal content online: Exploring channel choice and multi-channel behaviors." In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2016.
Hana Qudsi and Maneesh Gupta. "Low-Cost, Thermistor Based Respiration Monitor." In Proceedings of the Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference (SBEC). 2013.